NSW Infection Control Skill Sets

NSW Infection Control: You may be eligible for Smart and Skilled funding for these courses if you:

  • are aged 15 years or older
  • have left school (or in school and have a part time job)
  • live or work in New South Wales
  • are an Australian citizen permanent resident, humanitarian visa holder or New Zealand citizen

Participants will learn a range of skills including:

  • Hand hygiene practices
  • Effective surface cleaning
  • Use of personal protective equipment
  • Disposal of contaminated waste
  • Hazard identification, control and reporting
  • Appropriate protocols and responses in the event of an incident
  • Knowledge regarding the basis of infection and transmission
CoursesPotential funding availableFunding informationBrochureEnrolment
HLTSS00064 Infection Control Skill SetNSW Smart and Skilled funding width=
HLTSS00065 Infection Control Skill Set (Retail)NSW Smart and Skilled funding width= width=
HLTSS00066 Infection Control Skill Set (Food Handling)NSW Smart and Skilled funding width=
HLTSS00067 Infection Control Skill Set (Transport and Logistics)NSW Smart and Skilled funding width=